Wednesday, May 20, 2009

angel rays

the days have been passing by and I can feel summer getting closer and closer.
With every day that passes I long for summer more and more... but at the same time I wish to travel back to those days where I made my mistakes.... if only it where possible.
Fact is that I know that most of my mistakes have made me the man that stands before you, but sometimes this man just hang his head and cry.
I'm sure you all know that this world is not all rainbows and jellybeans... Its rough, and I don't care who you are... if you let it, the world will beat you down and turn your world upside down, but we must not cave...
" it's not about how hard you hit, but how hard you get hit and remain standing"..... those words are burnt into my mind forever.
But Alas, this world is not as dark as it seems.... you just have to spit polish your skies abit and look for the Angel rays.
anyway enough of this stuff for one day lol
mehh exams are driving me up a wall, and all these plans for summer ughhh don't know where to begin.
Today I got to be a good Maltese citizen and called the fire brigade because like... I saw a fire... well there was too much smoke for it to be a bunch of teens smoking weed and watching episodes of charlie the unicorn XD
ahhh bdw I think I taught of a theme for my 18th, tell me what u guys thing about a crazy hat party =D
anyway I'm off to carry on studying about how shitty the international marketing system is so I shall leave you all for now.
SHOUT OUT TO MR .MAGGIE who is getting married this Sunday XD.
God bless you all
Till next time

1 comment:

Rachel said...

crazy hats sounds fab. I have a billion XD